Tuesday, January 6, 2015

New Year's Motto: Five Minutes at a Time!

Every New Year holds the same promise, excitement, and thrill of new beginnings.
I am drawn to the wonderful possibility of change, of learning from my mistakes, and letting go of failures and regret. I am filled with hope and optimism. I am bursting with enthusiasm. Yes, this is the year of change. I am going to accomplish all of my goals. In other words, I am going to become a different person...

Every year, I start off with all the right attitudes, goals and motivations.
I also start off with the same fundamental shortcomings. I am still in the company of my procrastinator, relentless critic and perfectionist.
So this year, my resolution is to quiet the critic, prod the procrastinator and tell the perfectionist to lighten up.

I may already be a few days late, but I am pleased with myself.

Change happens one minute at a time.
It is so much easier to accomplish something when you break it up into tiny little pieces.
I remember the first time I started running and after several days celebrated my first (continuous) quarter mile. What a day that was for me. Now, a quarter mile is easy, and I feel healthier and fitter than ever. It is a great feeling.

Starting today, I am going spend just five minutes on my goals; identifying what I need to do to move forward, and do that for just five minutes...

Who does anything for just five minutes?

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